Leading Change at Every Level

Whether you’re in the midst of a change effort or just planning one, you'll need Leading Change at Every Level. This diagnostic tool helps drive home the importance of individual behavior to the success of an overall change effort.
A 30-item assessment, Leading Change at Every Level is an excellent way to gently surface behaviors that are counterproductive to change, generating scores in 5 dimensions: Modeling the Change, Communicating About the Change, Involving Others in the Change, Helping Others Break from the Past, and Creating a Supportive Environment for the Change.
Learning Outcomes
- Examine change behaviors
- Develop change leadership skills and behaviors
- Generate support for change efforts
- Improve ability to lead change
Leading Change at Every Level is based on dimensions drawn from relevant literature on change, including both the emerging work on leading change at lower levels and the now classic work on CEO-led change.
- Modeling the Change
- Communicating About the Change
- Involving Others in the Change
- Helping Others Break from the Past
- Creating a Supportive Environment for the Change
- How It Works
Using a change for which they are currently responsible as a reference, participants complete the 30-item assessment. After indicating how true they find each statement, individuals generate an Overall Effectiveness Score for leading change. Sub scores measure effectiveness in each of the 5 Dimensions of Leading Change. Next, participants learn about the dimensions and how to
interpret their scores in these areas. Finally, questions regarding each dimension prompt participants to plan for improvement.
Uses for Leading Change at Every Level
Leading Change at Every Level is effective when used as a stand-alone instrument as well as a component in any change management program. The tool is ideal for employees who:
- Are currently leading a change effort and want to identify actions to assist the process
- Want to evaluate their effectiveness leading a recent change
- Are planning to lead a change effort in the near future
What to Order
Order one Facilitator Guide per facilitator and one Participant Guide per participant.
Facilitator Guide includes:
- Administrative guidelines
- Theoretical background
- Technical development
- Half-day workshop outline
- Frequently asked questions
- Supplemental activities
- Sample copy of the Participant Guide
- CD-ROM containing Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and reproducible masters including The Change Leadership Journey article, Leading Change When You’re Not in Charge case study, Certificate of Achievement, Training Evaluation, as well as overhead transparency masters
Participant Guide includes:
- 30-item assessment
- Pressure-sensitive response form
- Interpretive information
- Action planning
Change Management > Course 1015 - Change Reaction
Change Management > Course 1016 - Mastering the Change Curve
Change Management > Course 1018 - Working Through Organizational Change
Change Management > Course 1019 - Interpersonal Influence Inventory
Change Management > Course 1020 - Influencing with Assertive Communication
Related Reproducible Training Library Titles
Change Management > Course 1050 - Leading Through Change
Change Management > Course 1051 - The Art of Effective Communication
Change Management > Course 1052 - The Art of Influencing Others
These programs comes ready-to-deliver and include a Facilitator's Guide, Participant Guide and PowerPoint presentation or register for an in-house session.